What is TMS?
TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. During a TMS procedure – which is administered through a device called the TMS Therapy System – a coil is placed near the head of the patient. The coil delivers small electric currents to treat the mood sensory part of the patient’s brain.
How Does TMS Work?
TMS therapy safely stimulates and activates the neuro-circuitry within the brain. This, in turn, causes the brain to produce more dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.
Is TMS Therapy Safe?
TMS Therapy is the safest and most effective treatment for depression. In 2008, the FDA approved the procedure for depression. It is even safe enough to treat women who are pregnant or suffer from postpartum depression. Many world-renowned facilities, such as the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and Walter Reed, stand by the treatment.
TMS Therapy is a non-invasive, non-systemic procedure, requiring no surgery, anesthesia, sedation, ingestion, or circulation of any substance in the bloodstream. In fact, during the procedure, you remain awake and alert. Also, TMS Therapy has shown no long-term side effects.
Where is TMS Therapy Performed?
TMS is conveniently performed in the office, under the supervision of Dr. Grant.
How Do I Know if TMS Therapy is Right for Me?
Typically, patients in Bedford, TX who have tried multiple medications to treat their depression without improvement are candidates for TMS Therapy. Dr. Grant, as well as experts from TMS Neuro Solutions, can answer any questions you have and determine whether TMS Therapy is an effective solution for your depression.