Substance Abuse Treatment in Bedford, TX


Anyone can develop a substance use disorder. If you are not careful, you may start to lose control around alcohol or controlled substances. Continuous usage can increase your tolerance, meaning that you will need to drink more alcohol or take more substances to feel the same effect.

However, there are treatment options available for drug addiction. If you find yourself unable to stop consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or opiate drugs, you may require substance abuse treatment in Bedford, TX.

While you may believe that you can stop your addiction immediately, it is common for people to experience severe withdrawal symptoms. The Grant Group offers medication management therapy for individuals with alcohol or drug addiction to reshape their attitudes or behaviors. By learning how to successfully manage stressful situations and associations, your urge to abuse substances can be mitigated. Our psychiatrists could conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if you have a substance use disorder and create a personalized treatment plan.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance abuse, or alcohol or drug addiction, in the United States is more common than many people realize. It is important for individuals struggling with drug addiction to know that they are not alone and seek treatment in Bedford, TX as soon as possible.

Drug abuse may begin subtly but can become more severe over time. Substance use disorder can impact a person’s lifestyle and lead to both physical and mental health issues.

Addiction occurs with repeated exposure to substances, often alcohol and opioids, which produce immediate effects on the brain that are perceived as rewards by the user. This reinforcement is so powerful that it encourages continuous use to feel the effect.

The Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment

Addressing the substance at the center of a person’s drug addiction is only one part of the recovery process. Individuals entering treatment for substance abuse in Bedford, TX will participate in effective behavior therapies, which can help them function better at home, at work, and in social settings.

Behavioral therapy assists people in changing their attitudes and behaviors related to substance abuse. Behavior modification enhances the efficacy of medication to mitigate and even potentially eliminate their addiction. With the proper tools and resources, individuals can learn how to cope with their triggers and make healthier life decisions.

We also offer Suboxone Treatment at the Grant Group to treat opiate, painkiller, and heroin addiction.

The Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment

Addressing the substance at the center of a person’s drug addiction is only one part of the recovery process. Individuals entering treatment for substance abuse in Bedford, TX will participate in effective behavior therapies, which can help them function better at home, at work, and in social settings.

Behavioral therapy assists people in changing their attitudes and behaviors related to substance abuse. Behavior modification enhances the efficacy of medication to mitigate and even potentially eliminate their addiction. With the proper tools and resources, individuals can learn how to cope with their triggers and make healthier life decisions.

We also offer Suboxone Treatment at the Grant Group to treat opiate, painkiller, and heroin addiction.

What Is Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to teach individuals to recognize, accept, cope with, and possibly avoid situations where drug use becomes tempting. Various medications may be prescribed in addition to behavioral therapy to help the brain gradually adapt to the absence of the drug in their system.

Contingency management therapy is a type of treatment that implements positive reinforcement techniques, such as offering rewards for abstaining from substance abuse or engaging in group counseling sessions, which can also benefit others struggling with drug addiction in Bedford, TX. This strategy is similar to motivational enhancement therapy, where people receive rewards for their progress in recovery.

Work With The Grant Group To Treat Your Substance Abuse in Bedford, TX

The compassionate mental health professionals at The Grant Group are licensed to provide substance abuse treatment in Bedford, TX. If you are struggling with alcohol dependency or opiate addiction, our practitioners can develop a tailored treatment and therapy plan to address your physiological, psychosocial, and spiritual needs. We work closely with our community to provide counseling support to guide you toward a new, drug-free lifestyle.

Substance abuse therapy can effectively curb alcohol and opiate cravings, while treatment can focus on psychotherapies to support drug treatment plans. Anti-abuse medications not only treat drug addiction and withdrawal but can also be beneficial for nicotine addiction. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about substance abuse treatment plans.